99354, Richland, Washington - August 13, 2018
Water Main Installation or Repair$27.78 - $46.30 per linear foot This estimated price includes main water line installation labor. Cost accounts for piping and trenching. Does not include permitting.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
99354, Richland, Washington - July 16, 2018
Appliance Water Line Installation$109.73 - $153.72 for appliance water line (fixed fee) This is a general price for appliance water line replacement. Cost includes Installation and materials. Excludes pipe repairs or structural modifications.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
99336, Kennewick, Washington - August 13, 2018
Water Main Installation or Repair$27.78 - $46.30 per linear foot Cost estimate takes into account the price of water main installation. Price includes water pipe material and trenching. Excludes permits.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
99301, Pasco, Washington - August 13, 2018
Water Main Installation or Repair$27.78 - $46.30 per linear foot Price includes labor. No additional charge for piping and trenching. Cost estimate excludes permitting.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
99301, Pasco, Washington - July 16, 2018
Appliance Water Line Installation$109.73 - $153.72 for appliance water line (fixed fee) This estimated cost includes appliance water line replacement labor. Price estimate includes Installation and materials. Items excluded: pipe repairs or structural modifications.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
99336, Kennewick, Washington - July 16, 2018
Appliance Water Line Installation$109.73 - $153.72 for appliance water line (fixed fee) Cost estimate includes appliance water line installation. Price does include materials, connection, and cleanup. Items excluded: plumbing repairs and structural changes.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |